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Injective Atomic Order Example Contract

Dec 19, 2024
Minseok Kim
Software Engineer, DSRV


To interact with Instantiated Contracts on Injective Users need to install injectived which could be challenging for users who just want to use interaction feature. Using At Address feature in WELLDONE Studio Code Remix Plugin users can easily interact with instantiated injective smart contracts.


Currently Only Contract Address can be used to interact

How to use At Address

First, You need to select Injective


Second, Choose Wallet to use


Third, Choose Network where the contract is instantiated


Fourth, Put the instantiated contract address in the At address input form which can be found at the bottom.
And click on Search


Finally, You can interact with instantiated smart contract


Contract interaction form manual


Function parameters are not provided in JSON Message. You need to find the JSON Message Schema by yourself


1. Choose between Query Message and Execute Message

2. Select function to call

3. Fund Amount to include in the transaction

4. Fund Denom to include in the transaction

5. JSON Message Field for function parameters. You can edit the JSON by yourself

6. Prettify ugly JSON

7. When transaction is successful TxHash will appear in green if not red error message will be shown

8. Send Query / Execute JSON Message