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Starknet Cairo Verification

Oct 8, 2024
Inchul Song
Software Engineer, DSRV


Starknet is an Ethereum L2 chain that provides Validity-Rollup. Validity-Rollup is also known as Zero-Knowledge Rollup (ZK-Rollup).

Starknet is composed of the following components:

  • Sequencer: The sequencer receives transactions generated by the L2 and generates L2 blocks. It is responsible for sending the generated L2 blocks to the Prover.
  • Prover: The Prover receives the generated blocks and transactions from the Sequencer and verifies them. After executing the proof program with the Cairo VM of Starknet OS, it generates a STARK proof and sends it to the L1 chain.
  • L1 (Ethereum): Validates the STARK proof and, if valid, updates the Starknet state root of L1.

Starknet Transaction Lifecycle


The transaction lifecycle on Starknet proceeds in the following order:

  1. Transaction submission: The transaction is submitted to one Sequencer and marked with the status RECEVIED.
  2. Mempool validation: The transaction is validated in the Mempool and checked for the following cases.
    • The current account balance exceeds max_fee.
    • Whether the transaction's calldata exceeds the limit.
  3. Sequencer validation: Sequencer performs preliminary validation before executing the transaction.
  4. Execution: Sequencer executes all transactions that pass preliminary validation sequentially. If successful, the transaction is marked with the status ACCEPTED_ON_L2. If the transaction fails during execution, it is marked as REVERTED.
  5. Proof generation and verification: The Prover runs the operating system in a new block, computes the proof, and sends it to the L1 validator. If the proof passes verification on L1, it is marked as ACCEPTED_ON_L1.

Cairo Language

The Cairo language is a smart contract language for Starknet, a programming language designed for virtual CPUs. Because the Cairo language is built for cryptographic constraints, not physical ones, it can efficiently prove the execution of any program.

While Cairo 0 was compiled directly into CASM (Cairo Assembly), Cairo 1 is a high-level language that is first compiled into Sierra. Sierra (Safe Intermediate Representation) is an intermediate representation between Cairo and CASM that is later compiled into a safe subset of CASM. The resulting compiled CASM code is eventually executed by the Cairo VM on the Starknet OS and generates a STARK proof, which is sent to L1.

You can read more about Cairo, Sierra, and CASM in these documents.

Example code for the Cairo language looks like this:

trait ISimpleStorage<TContractState> {
fn set(ref self: TContractState, x: u128);
fn get(self: @TContractState) -> u128;

mod simple_storage {
use starknet::get_caller_address;
use starknet::ContractAddress;

struct Storage {
stored_data: u128

impl SimpleStorage of super::ISimpleStorage<ContractState> {
fn set(ref self: ContractState, x: u128) {
fn get(self: @ContractState) -> u128 {

How to verify Cairo Smart Contract?

The above simple_storage.cairo can be verified using WELLDONE Studio's upcoming Multi-chain Verification Tool. To deploy a smart contract written in Cairo, you can refer to the Starknet documentation for deployment. Once deployed, you can check that it was deployed correctly with Starkscan or Nethermind Voyager Explorer.

To verify a Cairo smart contract using the Multi-chain Verification Tool, a total of five pieces of information are required:

  1. Contract Address: Deployed smart contract address
  2. DECLARE Transaction Hash: Declare transaction hash is required because there is a need to verify not only class_hash but also compiled_class_hash. In the future, we will remove the DECLARE transaction hash.
  3. Scarb Version: Scarb is a Cairo package manager that compiles Cairo projects. It depends on the compiler version to compile, so it is important to specify it.
  4. Chain ID: To differentiate between Mainnet (0x534e5f4d41494e) and Sepolia (0x534e5f5345504f4c4941)
  5. Cairo project source code

In order to validate Cairo, you must add the following config to Scarb.toml:

casm = true
sierra = true

The Cairo project structure is as follows (assuming a DECLARE and DEPLOY to the network):

├── Scarb.lock
├── Scarb.toml
├── src
│   ├── lib.cairo
│   └── simple_storage.cairo
└── target
└── dev
├── simple_storage.starknet_artifacts.json
├── simple_storage_simple_storage.compiled_contract_class.json
└── simple_storage_simple_storage.contract_class.json

When you request verification from Multi-chain Verification Tool /starknet/verifications API, which will be released later, it compiles the code according to the compiler version, computes class_hash and compiled_class_hash, and compares the class hash value of the Starknet network with the compiled class hash value.

Why do we need to verify two hash values?

To validate a smart contract written in Solidity on Ethereum, we compare one compiled bytecode result to the bytecode on the network. However, Starknet compares not one, but two hash values: class_hash and compiled_class_hash. Class hash and Compiled class hash are covered in detail in this document.

When a user sends a DECLARE transaction, both the class_hash and the compiled_class_hash are signed simultaneously. Sequencer performs a Sierra → CASM compilation and compares the resulting compiled_class_hash to the user-signed compiled_class_hash. If the sequencer is malicious, it also compares the compiled_class_hash value because it can get classes declared by CASM that are not related to Sierra.
