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About Universal Provider

How does the Universal Provider wrap for multi-chain developers?

Since Universal Provider supports multi-chain environments, Web3 developers may simply manage their development environments by utilizing WELLDONE Wallet, without having to install and maintain numerous libraries. The provider injects libraries supported by each blockchain network, such as Ethereum's ethers.js, NEAR's near-api-js, Cosmos' cosmjs, Solana's web3.js, Celo's ContractKit, Polkadot's util-crypto, and others.

Since it is directly linked to the developer-friendly WELLDONE Wallet, Universal Provider offers middleware that captures and processes multiple requests from a plethora of networks sent from the frontend of the wallet. For example, if you would like to execute a transaction to Neon network, for example, you merely need to utilize the dapp:signAndSendTransaction method. The method helps your request to be routed to WELLDONE Wallet that wraps the libraries from a plethora of blockchain networks. Universal Provider covers and generalizes all network-related methods in this way, eliminating the need to manage each separate library. Just designate the network that you wish to query or request with a single dapp command. In the following sections, you can read more about the Universal Provider's supported methods.

const DAPP_GET_ACCOUNT_METHOD = 'dapp:accounts';

async function handleGetAccount() {
try {
const accounts = await dapp.request(CHAIN_NAME, {
} catch (error) {

Universal Provider also supports the default API method that is already frequently utilized in web3 developer world. When developing your own multi-chain dApps, you do not need to worry about maintaining a slew of development dependencies since you only need to inject the Universal Provider to support a plethora of networks. For example, you may use the existing eth_accounts methods to query all addresses from the Ethereum blockchain. Simply browse the official document, choose the API method, and apply it to the Universal Provider. These solutions are straightforward, making web3 development easy.