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The following is an explanation of how to initiate a transfer transaction in Celestia network by invoking the through dapp.request. We recommend utilizing a dedicated library rather than accessing the service directly if you want a greater degree of abstraction than the official API provides.

To send a transaction in Celestia network, it needs to be followed the steps below.

  1. Detecting of Universal Provider (window.dapp)
  2. Detecting the Celestia network to which the user is linked
  3. Import the Celestia account of the user

The WELLDONE Wallet finds and imports networks associated with that wallet address. Before submitting a transaction, you should evaluate whether to transmit it to the mainnet or the testnet. The following format can be used to transmit the transaction:

const response = await dapp.request('celestia', {
method: 'dapp:signAndSendTransaction',
params: [JSON.stringify(transactionParameters)],

1. Returns

This method returns the transaction hash value as a Promise object of type string because you can send multiple transactions as well as one transaction.


2. Params

The dapp:signAndSendTransaction method takes the transaction as HEX string type HEX_STRING_TX_DATA. However, Celestia networks can take the transaction parameters as JSON string type.

interface TransactionParameters {
signerData: {
accountNumber: string;
sequence: string;
chainId: string;
fee: {
amount: [
denom: string;
amount: string;
gas: string;
memo: string;
msgs: [
typeUrl: '/';
value: {
fromAddress: string;
toAddress: string;
amount: [{ denom: string; amount: string }];
sequence: string;
  • The value depends on the type of typeUrl and the method of the contract you want to execute. The above parameters are examples of transaction types that send coins to other accounts.

3. Example

const sendTransaction = async () => {
// get accounts first
const accounts = await dapp.request('celestia', { method: 'dapp:accounts' });
const sequence = '10';
const chainId = 'mocha-4';
const transactionParameters = {
signerData: {
accountNumber: accounts['celestia'].address,
fee: {
amount: [
denom: 'utia',
amount: '9345',
gas: '180000', // 180k
memo: '',
msgs: [
typeUrl: '/',
value: {
fromAddress: accounts['celestia'].address,
toAddress: accounts['celestia'].address, //send to yourself
amount: [{ denom: 'utia', amount: '10000' }],
sequence: `${sequence}`,
// sending a transaction
try {
const response = await dapp.request('celestia', {
method: 'dapp:signAndSendTranssaction',
params: [JSON.stringify(transactionParameters)],
const txHash = response[0];
} catch (error) {
message: 'User denied transaction signature',
code: 4001,

To complete the transaction, follow the steps outlined below. The testnet token is required to transmit a transaction. You can request faucet through the FAUCET tab in the wallet.

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